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Healthy Nutrition for Every Lifestyle



I help women and men who struggle with chronic dieting, weight loss, and body image

learn how to eat healthy without giving up the foods they love 

so they can lose weight and feel confident in their body.

Being constantly preoccupied with how your body looks is stressful.

Have you struggled with weight loss your entire life? Does everything you do revolve around how your body looks?  Food is only one factor contributing to your health and well-being.  Unfortunately, you’ve probably been led to believe that losing weight is the cure-all for most health concerns.  But this is far from the truth.  The truth is that your weight loss efforts could be causing more harm than good.

Nutritional Counseling

Diet and nutrition are vital components of your overall health and fitness.  Specifically, your eating choices will have a direct impact on the success of your fitness program.  


A healthy, nutritious diet will not only give you the fuel and stamina for your workouts but it will also provide the mental focus and strong immune system to help you achieve your long-term personal goals.


Nutritional counseling will provide you with the guidance and support you need to make healthy food choices.  Sessions may be completed face-to-face or via phone/web to dive into the details of your eating habits, nutritional needs, and how to reach your overall goals.  With balanced nutrition you will see real results!


Understanding the right amount of calories to eat for your goals is critical!  Understanding the proper macro-nutrient breakdown is equally important.  The numbers really do matter and together we will identify the formula that will lead you to your success.


Does This Sound Like You?

You are frustrated trying countless diets with no results 

You are afraid of ‘failing’ again

You feel completely overwhelmed by information overload 

You are uncomfortable in your clothing

You are an emotional eater

You hit a plateau and can't get the scale to budge 

You have a season pass on the yo-yo dieting train

You want to eat healthy without giving up the foods you love

Together We Will:

Identify the best nutrition plan for you based on your lifestyle, likes, and dislikes

Rebuild a healthy relationship with food

Learn how to make healthy food choices in restaurants, in the workplace, and on-the-go

Identify triggers for emotional eating (and what to do about them!)

Learn simple techniques that create stress-free meal prep and clean eating habits

Rewire how you look at food and it’s purpose

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Proper Daily Caloric Intake 

I do not believe in fad dieting or unhealthy ways of eating.  I believe in nourishing your body with healthy nutrients through clean, whole foods and proper calorie intake.

If this aligns with your views on nutrition, you have landed in the right place!


Finding a Balance is Important to Maintaining Results

Diets fail all the time.  Yes – I said it!  But why?!  They fail because they are not ways of eating that are realistic to maintain for a lifetime!  And even worse, some diets are just plain unhealthy for you!


Our focus at Drive is helping you learn how to eat healthy for a lifetime.  Part of your nutrition counseling sessions includes how to find a healthy balance with indulging and having fun while still maintaining a healthy way of eating overall, so that you maintain your results.


Personalized Everything

There is No One Diet For Everyone

The benefit to working with a nutrition specialist is that together, we will develop a program completely tailored to you.  Eliminate the stress and frustration from programs failing you because they are cookie cutter and simply don’t meet your needs.


Start feeling great today with a plan that will immediately fit your schedule, include foods you love, and have you feeling great from day one.

Nutrition Services Available


Individual Nutrition Counseling Session

3-Month VIP Package

6-Month VIP Package

Nutrition ‘Check-Ins’


All New Clients begin with the 3-Month Kickstarter package and then may continue with Individual appointments thereafter.  

Meal Plan Options

Building a Meal Plan for YOU and YOUR Goals

Macronutrient Plans are the most flexible approach to managing your nutrition.  Whether you are trying to lose body fat or gain lean muscle, managing your macros are a tried and true way to success!

Individualized Meal Planning

In order to have a balanced nutrition plan, you need to know how many calories per day you should be consuming.  Receive your daily caloric intake with a breakdown of the exact number of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that you should be taking in daily to meet your goals.  Your numbers are determined from your data (these are not generic or cookie cutter numbers). 


They are based on everything gathered during your assessment and consultation to ensure that they are tailored to your specific needs.  I will teach you how to meet your caloric targets daily with simple and repeatable tips and tools that I personally use to power through all of life’s tough demands and still stay on-track with my eating.

Plans Available:​

Macro Management

 Macros & Intermittent Fasting Hybrid


Prescriptive Meal Plans 

(Literally Everything You Need)

Meal plans include everything you need to have a stress-free, clean eating week!  I will give you a specific meal plan, grocery list, and shopping list split up by week.  There is no guess work involved.  Everything is spelled out for you!

Transformation Programs Available:

  • 28-Day Nutrition Transformation Challenge

  • 6-Week Nutrition Transformation Challenge

  • 30-Day Plant-Based Transformation Challenge

  • 21-Day Keto Challenge

  • 10-Day Detox


Lose weight, Feel Amazing with our Nutrition Transformation Programs!

  • Increase energy

  • Lose weight

  • Regain confience

  • Increase libido

  • Decrease inflammation

  • Fit into clothes again

  • Love the person you see in the mirror!

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