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Stretching on Yoga Mat


Are you in need of increased mobility, flexibility, and peak body performance BEFORE you start training?

This highly specialized services is provided in-studio only, where we focus on correcting imbalances and compensation for injury, weakness or pain. The goal is to help guide you through exercises that promote natural and unencumbered movement. Because corrective exercise is often considered a re-education of the body and its biomechanics, your body is encouraged to move as it was designed, which allows it to function at its peak.


This type of exercise therapy takes into account that every movement of the body is a coordinated effort between muscles – some contracting and stabilizing , while others relax and lengthen. You will employ corrective exercise techniques that work to eliminate compensation from imbalances, which reduce and even eliminate pain and allow the body to move without restriction or limitation.


Your corrective exercise plan will begin with a detailed analysis of your body, which will allow you to determine any deficits or imbalances that may be affecting your movements. For athletes, this process may address performance, while for others it may address anything that hinders daily activities.

Exercise and Healthy Diet
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Upon completing this analysis, we will develop a personalized exercise and flexibility programdesigned to correct imbalances. All exercises within your corrective exercise program will work together to make positive changes on body mechanics and address the underlying cause of pain.


Clients in need of Corrective Exercise will begin with the following:

  1. Muscle Imbalance Assessment

  2. Prescriptive Corrective Exercise Program Development and Implementation


All CES Programs are run separately from any other personal training sessions, and will require an up front commitment to the minimum number of sessions determined appropriate from your assessment in order to establish the required CES schedule needed for optimum success.

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